What is up with ACORN?

ACORN is a community union with a focus on using direct action to defend tenants from from landlords who are refusing repairs, hiking rents, eviction, etc. If you don't know what ACORN UK is, this article by Callum Cant is a good explanation https://notesfrombelow.org/article/taking-whats-ours-an-acorn-inquiry.

ACORN sounds great on paper but in my experience it has problems.

resignation & demand letters


Oxford demand letter This letter was signed by 60 members of ACORN Oxford (redacted the signatures from this copy of letter).

(this was the reading list of ACORN Oxford reading group before losing committee + lots of active members)

4 years in ACORN Sheffield

…Work in progress… (writing up account of personal experience in ACORN Sheffield)

other sources